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Mr. Kunal Yadav

Mr. Kunal Yadav – Managing Director – Executive Director (DIN – 01338110)

Mr. Kunal Yadav is a Managing Director cum Chairman & Executive Director on board of our company. He had more than 14 years of rich industrial experience and managerial experience. He joined the company as Director on 5th of February, 2008. He was one of the Promoter, Industrialist and Managing Director and main contributor to the growth and development of the Company, having a net worth of more than 18,170.19 Lakhs with a turnover of 45,176.97 Lakhs (financial year 2022-23). He was also equally excellent in ensuring growth by improving productivity, cost control, large size operations & consistently improving quality and his services were indispensable. He had been actively involved in business strategy, business development and research and development functions in the Company. Mr. Kunal Yadav having the degree of M.B.A. from the university of Greenwich, London, U.K.

Mrs Geeta Sharma

Mrs. Geeta Sharma – Non-Executive – Non-Independent Director (DIN- 08905164)

Ms. Geeta Sharma is the Non- Executive non Independent Director on the Board of our Company. She is post graduate from Agra university. She has experience of 32 years in corporate planning and management strategy.

Mr. Jaitender Kumar

Mr. Jaitender Kumar – Non Independent Non – Executive Director (DIN – 08164429)

Mr. Jaitender Kumar is the Non – Executive Director on the board of our company. He holds a Post Graduate degree in B.S.C. Agriculture from Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar. He had more than 18 years of experience in Agriculture and land related issues. He is also the main contributory in the growth of the company. .

Mr. Neeraj Bansal

Mr. Neeraj Bansal – Non-Executive -Independent Director (DIN- 02879371)

Mr. Neeraj Bansal is the Non-Executive Independent Director on the Board of the Company. He is a FCADISA (ICAI), and is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and a qualified Information System Auditor. He possesses 22 years of excellent experience in the field of statutory audits, internal audits, tax audits, due-diligence audits and management audits for non-profit organizations, PSUs, Banking Institutions and Public and Private Companies.

Mr. Ashish Singh Yadav

Mr. Ashish Singh Yadav – Non-Executive – Independent Director (DIN-09265468)

Mr. Ashish Singh Yadav is the Non-Executive Independent Director on the Board of our Company. Mr. Ashish Singh Yadav holds post graduate degree in Economics from Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur, UP. He has more than 11 Years of Experience in Corporate Planning and Management Strategy.

Mr. Shriram Agrawal

Mr. Shriram Agrawal – Non-Executive -Independent Director (DIN- 07147618)

Mr. Shriram Agrawal is the Non-Executive Independent Director on the Board of the Company. He is member of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India and also hold Master’s degree in Commerce. He is being auditing and accounting of large-scale corporations (private as and public) for 11 years with excellent acumen and due diligence.

Mr. Anil Kumar Punj

Mr. Anil Kumar – Non-Executive -Independent Director (DIN- 10799796)

Mr. Anil Kumar Punj aged about 60 years having a experience in the field of Finance & Accounts for more than 33 Years. He is qualified with Keen analyst with abilities in liaising with Banks, currently he is working with M/s Sanjay Arora & Associates as a Manager